Friday, July 02, 2004



The idea of nonduality
This may seem like a odd idea, to most everyone, for a couple of reasons.
One because its very intellectual in application there for won't change anything.
and two because it maybe so foreign in concept that it is completely beyond understanding at all.
All that said here is the idea, or ideas.
What I am attempting to explore here is non duality, the ideas of how we are the same being.
A analogy of this may be that we are kind of in a cosmic fun house of mirrors, everywhere
we look we are seeing our selves but because the mirror is distorted, we see someone we don't recognize as ourselves. Everyone we see is actually just another aspect of the one being, the one consciousness. If we were look into a circular ring like big 7 ft tall hat box from places for eyes on the out of the ring and inside we people painted on the inside surface of the ring, we would see different people from where ever we looked into the circle. Lets say some how we could look magically through all the holes at once where we looked we would see ourselves but not looking like our selves.
If our consciousness were like air all over the place at once, and looking simultaneously
from each vantage point. We would see many different aspects of ourselves.
That is exactly how it is, we are all the same consciousness but from varied very points.
We don't see it that way and relate to everyone as the other. We are afraid of the other.
we think the other is something for us to use to our advantage, we try to hide form the other.
We fall in love with what we believe the other to be. We hate what we think the other is.
We have wars and kill the other, for what we believe our own divinity consciousness has told us to do.
Some of us figure out that there is no other, an doing that lose their fear of the other.
Find only, that their heart is open to the other. Some of us find that there is no ending or death
because there was no beginning, or end of consciousness. When we discover that we have found out we are immortal, and nothing to fear from at all anywhere from anyone, or anything.
Such people are rare, and are most likely very advanced souls, who we make into saints or
start religions based on their teachings of what they experience reality as.
So some may read this and say they get it intellectually, but they still yell at the guy who cuts them off at a intersection. Others may say ok but those words won't stop people being war like with each other.
True, but it is a start, it is a first step, just to see it and keep seeing it, and realizing the cost to the human and the planet because we don't see it.
The investigation of nondualistic teaching, involves Zen, Advaita, and variety of other teachings that express nonduality.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


This is a open invitation for anyone to share their personal transformational experiences


Did you kill the Buddha when you met him on the road?


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